Are Pro-Choice Catholics Really Catholic?
… From the desk of Lara Ketter, AGM Staff Writer
When I first heard the news that there actually existed Catholics who support abortion and Planned Parenthood, I was flabbergasted. Speechless. Astonished. Dumbfounded. Stunned. Blown away.
I’m not a cradle Catholic; I entered the fold during the Easter Vigil service in the spring of 2002, having spent several months in RCIA – the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – to learn the ways of the Catholic faith. At Easter dinner a cake made by my family to celebrate this accomplishment stated, “Congrats on Becoming a Catlick.” My daughter, just two years old at the time, thought Catholic was Catlick, thus the adorable cake.
In the years since “becoming a Catlick” I took it as a forgone conclusion that every Catholic supports the pro-life cause, that every Catholic on planet Earth believes life begins at conception, and that all Catholics stand behind unborn babies.
And now I learn that even some priests support abortion.
Still flabbergasted.
And wouldn’t you know it, there’s a group called “Catholics for Choice.” On the home page of their website an article titled, “Catholics Show Sweet Support for Planned Parenthood” is accompanied by a picture of a cake emblazoned with this stunning statement: “Catholics Stand with Planned Parenthood.”
The article says: “Today, Catholics for Choice delivered cakes and messages of goodwill to women’s clinics on behalf of Catholic supporters, showing that only a small minority of Catholics agree with the extremist voices of the bishops on the question of abortion.” There’s a link to write a message of support to Planned Parenthood.
With my head spinning in shocked disbelief, I read that Catholics for Choice “was founded in 1973 to serve as a voice for Catholics who believe that the Catholic tradition supports a woman’s moral and legal right to follow her conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health.” They believe “that every individual must follow his or her own conscience ― and respect others’ right to do the same.”
Do you know what conscience means? says conscience is “the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one’s conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action.”
I’d bet my last dollar that if the unborn babies scheduled for abortions were able to follow their consciences, they’d feel it was right for them to be born. Just sayin’.
I have a friend who is unsure of the existence of God; she avoids church and religion like the great plague. However, she is a good person and says she follows her conscience; it’s working because she’s a fair, loving and generous woman.
But Catholics follow a religion. We believe in God. We believe that, along with conscience, God gave us a set of Commandments that we are to follow. These Commandments overrule our consciences. They are the written laws that we are to follow.
I’m thinking of the Commandment from Exodus that says: “You shall not murder.” Older versions of the Bible say, “Thou shalt not kill.” Murder. Kill. Both words mean a life is taken intentionally. Reading this as a Christian and Catholic, there’s nothing vague about this commandment. Notice there’s no definition of what murder or killing constitutes. There’s no asterisk with “except if the person isn’t born yet” in small letters at the bottom of the page. That’s because an explanation is unnecessary. If you kill a person, it’s wrong whether she is 12 weeks in the womb or 99 years out of the womb.
Jesus backs up the Commandments in his Sermon on the Mount when he says, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of the pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”
Jesus also tells us, in his Sermon on the Mount, not to judge or we will be judged. Well, go ahead and judge me because I believe that anyone who calls himself a follower of Christ should believe in life from conception because all life is from God, no matter how small.
The Catholic Church is not shy in its support of the unborn. I’ve known this my whole life, even as a Methodist attending Sunday School in a tiny rural Kansas town.
This will sound harsh, but I think that any Catholic who claims to be pro-choice isn’t Catholic. I’ll take it a step further and say that any Christian who supports abortion is snubbing the Ten Commandments, and thus snubbing the wisdom of God.
This will upset those in the Christian community who support abortion, but read the Bible. Search your hearts. God is crystal clear on the subject. He gave us free will but he also gave us Commandments. “You shall not kill.” Period.
The pro-abortion community is feverish in proclamations that every single person has free will and the right to choose what happens to his or her body. Every single person, they say.
Well, except for the unborn.
Click HERE to listen to a debate between a Pro Life Catholic convert and a Pro Abortion “Catholic.”
GREAT post Ms. Ketter. I’ve been horrified by the growing trend of pro choice Catholics. And even more so since our current immoral POTUS was elected; the most PRO ABORTION prez in US history.
So many “Catholic” pro abortion politicians: Kerry, Biden, Pelosi, Guiliani, all of the Kennedys —- are never called out on their position and their deliberate misguiding of the truly faithful. Even pro abortion Religious & priests are not held accountable. WHY?
Why is so much of the Church so silent about this issue? The lambs are being slaughtered. Will the shepherds speak out, or are we to be left with the silence of the sheep? The Enemy is in our tent….
God bless you and all faithful Catholics who are banging this drum.
There is no gray area in our belief in the sanctity of life from the moment of conception to natural death.
Where are the religious of the church? Priests, nuns, bishops, the Pope? They should all be vocal in condemning this group, otherwise they are guilty for letting this gray area exist. Pope Francis appears to be more concerned with scientifically unproven climate change. To heck with climate change – the lives of babies and the soul of the church are at stake. The Catholic Church hierarchy needs to wake up. And fast.
I was looking for the answer to the question: are pro-choice really Catholics? I am glad to find your article and someone who is stepping forward on this subject.
I live in Canada and this country has an ‘anything goes’ ruling on abortion. We are one of three countries in the world that does not have an abortion law, therefore, a baby can be aborted right up to the moment of delivery and who really knows what goes on in those situations.
No person who is ‘practicing’ Catholicism would nor want to support pro-choice. Key word ‘would’. If they choose pro-choice they are choosing abortion. If they were truly practicing their faith, they would not ‘want’ to choose anything but life. If they loved their religion, they would love life and ‘want’ to defend it.
When I was in high school, kids used to talk about the hypocrisy of Catholics. I guess this is what they meant. I left the Church for 40 years and when I did come back, it was because I realized I was wrong; done wrong, believed wrong and was wrong. I listened to what the Church had to say this time. I’m glad I did.
Simply put, He said it: Thou shalt not kill. What part of that statement is so difficult to understand now that we have all the information available to learn from on the subject of abortion.
Thank you for the positive comments on my post! This is certainly a topic that has me scratching my head … it seems black or white to me, and for years I thought it was. If you’re Catholic you’re pro-life, and if you’re pro-choice you’re not Catholic. How wrong I was. However, I’m glad to see that word is spreading.
Please use social media to share this blog post with as many people as possible. I’m not afraid to take the heat!
So wonderful to see that we’re even reaching Canada. Thank you for commenting!
Thank you for this Blog, I agree that a good practicing Catholic can not condone abortions or should anyone for that matter! I am really puzzled how anyone can approve of an abortion!