Here’s Something Simple We Can Do To Save Babies’ Lives
From the desk of Lara Ketter, AGM Staff Writer
It’s morning in Kansas. I’m sipping hot tea from my AudioGirl Ministries mug and reading today’s news on my laptop. I follow a number of news sites on Facebook, finding it a convenient way to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings around the world. If I’m interested in a specific story as I’m scrolling through the posts, it’s easy to click on the link and read the full article.
One website I read daily (and highly recommend) is LifeSiteNews. This international news service focuses on culture, life and family, and publishes the latest pro-life news. The writing is superb, and the content is accurate and well-researched. When I read an article on, I feel confident that I’ve been well-informed with the latest news concerning what I truly care about.
I just finished reading a LifeSite News article about a pro-choice woman named Rebecca Traister who (in an article from New York Magazine) offers her opinion that the Planned Parenthood videos of bloody baby parts in trays won’t impact women considering abortion because women already know what abortion is and they simply don’t care.
She is quoted as saying, “… the notion that educating women in the grotesqueries of termination will be a game-changer is absurd… We know more about blood, innards, fetuses, and the babies they may become — in short, about life in reproductive bodies — than anti-abortion activists seem to understand.”
Logic is not on her side, and I believe in the wise saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” We don’t understand terrorism until we see a picture of victims lying in pools of blood at an outdoor cafe. We don’t understand the destruction of a tornado until we see a community that is now a pile of rubble. We didn’t understand the Holocaust until we saw pictures of stick-thin people in concentration camps barely hanging onto life, and the cremation chambers that took thousands of others.
I would like to ask Ms. Traister if she thinks a 16-year-old girl who is pregnant, scared and desperate really understands the miracle occurring inside her body, let alone what an abortion actually entails. If this girl watched the Planned Parenthood video with technicians sorting babies’ arms and legs and livers in the back room of an abortion facility, it’s only logical to think she may change her mind about abortion. What if she knew Planned Parenthood would be making money by selling her baby’s heart, its liver, its brain? That might grab her attention.
I don’t think the real issue is whether or not images could change a girl’s mind about abortion. I feel confident in saying they absolutely could. The real issue is that the mainstream media isn’t giving any air time to this huge story, and I’m afraid the images aren’t being seen by the right people – the young, uninformed and vulnerable. Unless you follow conservative news, you won’t be exposed to the atrocities happening in abortion clinics.
Here’s another point: teenagers don’t normally watch the news or read news websites. They’re wrapped up in their own lives. I certainly was. In high school I knew who the United States President was, and that was pretty much the extent of my current events knowledge.
We know, however, that teenagers are all over social media.
That’s why we need to continue posting and sharing stories about the atrocity and reality of abortion. We can’t let this go. We know that a picture has the power to can change a mind and save a life. Since the mainstream media isn’t doing it, we need to continue using social media to get the word – and pictures – out there for everyone to see.
Social media is both a curse and a blessing. Let’s use it to our advantage in this case. Don’t be shy about posting and sharing graphic images of babies who were killed by abortion, stories about abortion survivors and testimonials from women who regret their abortions. As these pictures and stories travel through cyber space they gain momentum and have the power to save thousands of lives.
It’s something simple all of us can do, and it has the potential to make a huge impact.
As Nike says, Just Do It!
Click on graphic below to learn more about Lara Ketter.
I’m not on FB, however, I am on Twitter and I post, post, post, and repost #prolife news. Why? Because of exactly what you’re talking about. Because it just might land in front of some teenager who NEEDS TO SEE IT, or for that matter, an adult who may need to see it. Plus, it gives our side power. Because when one person stands up, speaks up for life, it encourages another person to do the same. Life hangs in the balance… and so does the character of our nation. I’ll keep banging my pro life drum on Twitter and welcome more and more drummers to join me.
Great Blog Posting. Perfectly said. Hit the nail on the head. We have to bombard the social media…. Why? because it seems to be the only MEDIA these days. Sad, but true. #PROLIFE all day long
Boy, oh boy, is this post telling it like it is. I know it’s kinda hard for some folks over 40,50 but if we’re pro life we NEED to be as active as possible with Social Media. It’s a whole new world and the lame stream media is fighting tooth and nail to keep people ignorant about Planned Butcherhood and this fight for life. We all need to SPEAK UP and help GET THE WORD OUT.
Thank you for nudging us AGM. Thank you Lara for your awesome posts. I look forward to each and every one. And I pray many more people will discover AudioGirl M and your work as well. It takes ALL OF US. God bless you all.
I think that many young women do not understand understand all of the responsibilities and implications of being involved in a sexual relationship. When pregnancy occurs, if they are not offered good alternatives, abortion seems to be the answer. THe photos are horrible, but if they are having sex, they need to know. Maybe we should include alternatives when we post the photos – so when they are horrified, they know that they can turn to life.
Well written, Lara! The 5th paragraph is my favorite and I will continue to share it.