Here’s Another Reason to Love Kelsey Grammer
From the desk of Lara Ketter, AGM Staff Writer
I love the TV sitcom Frasier with Kelsey Grammer starring as Frasier Crane. Remember the same character from Cheers? Grammer was fantastic in both shows! I’ve watched reruns of Frasier for years. When I can’t fall asleep, and it’s after midnight, Kelsey Grammer is always there for me on The Hallmark Channel, doling out his high-falutin’ humor as Frasier Crane. I laugh. I relax. It no longer seems to matter that I’m wide awake at 2:00 a.m. God bless him!
Here’s another reason to love Kelsey Grammer. He’s pro-life.
In a move that cemented his place in my heart, Grammer posted a photo of himself wearing a T-shirt from the pro-life group Abort73 that reads, “Would it bother us more if they used guns?” His picture has the pro-abortion community talking itself hoarse and those in liberal Hollywood scratching their heads that a famous actor would actually promote life. They’re confused and bewildered. I think it’s hilarious.
This simple, yet effective, T-shirt sums up how the pro-life community feels. Americans raise our fists in outrage when innocent people are murdered with guns, whether it’s in a school, a neighborhood, a home, a business, an alley, anywhere. And rightly so – we SHOULD be upset! It IS an outrage. But where’s the outrage when unborn babies are murdered? And if guns were used instead of chemicals and forceps, would more people be upset? We scratch our heads because we just don’t get it.
Grammer had more to say, too. According to Life News: “On Instagram, Kelsey and his wife, Kayte Grammer, also posted a pro-life quote from Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson that read: ‘We’ve distorted things to the point where people believe that anyone who opposes mothers killing their babies is waging a war on women. How can we be so foolish to believe such a thing? One must be able to recognize the depravity to which we have sunken as a society when valuing a baby’s life is frowned upon.’ ”
I love Ben Carson, too. Like Kelsey Grammer, he’s not afraid to stand up for the unborn in a very public way. Neither will back down, either, and we must follow their lead and do what we can in our own little corners of the world. Hesitation to share the message of life must be shed; we can’t be shy about our passion for the innocent babies who are violently murdered every day.
I was wondering if I’d have the courage to emulate Kelsey Grammer and wear the same T-shirt, but in pink, which also sells. I’m a shy person who has spent years making sure I don’t offend anyone. But as I reach the middle of my 40’s my confidence and courage are growing, especially when it comes to topics that I’m committed to like the beautiful little babies whose organs are being sold before they have a chance to use them. is a website filled with pro-life information and ways in which individuals and churches can get involved in the cause. In addition to the T-shirt Kelsey Grammer is wearing, they sell T-shirts, stickers and other items with various pro-life-themed messages. There’s a beautiful one that says “Love Lets Live” and another says “Life is its own Reward.” The prices are right, too — $15 to $20. If you like Kelsey’s shirt it’s also available as a long-sleeve T-shirt and hoodie. I’m just a walking, talking advertisement! writes that its mission “aims to expose the practice of abortion as an injustice of historic proportions. We believe the best way to do so is to persistently, creatively, and comprehensively educate individuals (esp. students) with the massive body of evidence that stands against it. We strategically target a young audience (e.g., high school and college students) and are taking full advantage of the technology available to educate as many people as possible (i.e., the internet). We think it is good and necessary to use both secular and theological arguments to make our case against the practice of abortion. Since abortion claims the lives of thousands of the helpless unborn every day and millions every year, we cannot do nothing.”
I think that’s a cause worth supporting with the purchase of a T-shirt. I’m a little too shy to walk around with a picture of a gun on my chest, but I’m certainly courageous enough to wear “Love Lets Live” in patriotic colors.
I’ll call it the cautious version of standing up for life, and work my way up from there.
GREAT post. Been a fan of his for years — but now even more so. Hope we get more high profile people that will take a courageous stand. Stand strong prolifers.
Kelsey, thanks for the encouragement! I’m with you and with the women and their kids (and whole families) who will be spared the life-long after-effects abortion.