Madeline’s Lenten ProLife Journey – Entry #1
From the journal of Madeline, pro-life advocate and member of AudioGirl Ministries

March 2, 2020
Lenten Greetings!
My name is Madeline, but my friends call me Maddy!
I live in Long Beach, CA, with my Mom, Dad, Brother and my dog, Miley and I am currently a junior at a local Catholic high school.
My Catholic identity is a big part of who I am and a large portion of my time is spent advocating for human rights which makes me part of the Pro-Life Movement.????
I believe that the concept of abortion is a very black and white issue, except the world that we live in today has been confused. It has been scientifically proven that human life begins at conception! With that being said, it’s ridiculous that society tells us that the life inside the mother’s womb actually doesn’t matter, and in fact it has NO value at all. The thought of this is all wrong, because the gift of life is actually a blessing that only so many receive.
During this Lenten season I will be praying in front of the Planned Parenthood in Lakewood, CA as part of 40 Days for Life. With the ultimate goal of closing these “healthcare” facilities, at the same time we will prayerfully remember the babies whose lives have been lost, and also stand as a peaceful reminder to the community about the tragic reality of abortion. We will pray to change the minds of the women who think abortion may be their only option and to touch the hearts of those who work in the industry.
I will be writing throughout this Lenten season in hopes that you will join me and we can share this lenten journey together. I invite you to reflect on what God might be calling YOU to do in your life as we prepare for His coming this Easter.
I encourage you to look into where your nearest 40 Day for Life campaign may be taking place and to get involved! Prayer is powerful but so is our presence, so let’s do both together! We need to be the encouraging faces of hope for the women who arrive at the facility planning to have an abortion so they know they are not alone and that there are other options.
The Pro-Life movement is a movement of hope and possibilities. Through the power of prayer and presence we will win the fight for life!
Until next time,
This young lady is amazing. Thank God she’s fighting for LIFE!!
Well said and well done Maddy!
Also, there are so many people that need help, in all stages of life. And sometimes that causes the hopelessness that leads to abortion. Get involved, and HELP!
Feed the hungry.
Give drink to the thirsty.
Shelter the homeless.
Visit the sick.
Visit the imprisoned.
Bury the dead.
Give alms to the poor.
You are a true inspiration Maddy! If you can do it, so can I.
Dear Maddy,
I am very proud of the young lady you are becoming. It’s nice to see the passion and fire you’ve embraced on this subject. You are blessing to this world.
Love you,
What an AMAZING and INSPIRING young lady… She gives us HOPE that the evil of abortion WILL END one day. God bless her and her mom & dad for encouraging her to fight the good fight and to be a bright shining example for other young folks to follow.
And God bless the entire AudioGirlM Team. You have made a HUGE difference in my life and my family’s life. We are now WIDE AWAKE to this on-going genocide. AND we now can SPEAK UP and know what to say because of your powerful, app The Power of 7. God bless you all.
Maddy, I am so proud of you for standing up for what you believe in – the little babies who don’t have a voice. I admire your passion! Your voice WILL make a difference!!!!
Luv u, Other mother ❤️
P.S. I am waiting for your YouTube channel to come out.
I am not surprised about what you are doing and who you are becoming. It was a true privilege teaching you during your Sophomore year of high school. Seeing you grow and share your feelings on Pro-Life and on other topics was inspiring. Thank you for all you do in promoting your Catholic Faith. This world would be a much better place if we had more teenagers stand up for what they believe in like you and not hide away from the haters!!! Continue to lead. Continue to love. Continue to fight.
P.S. Watch out for the squirrels when you are driving!
Maddy, you are much to be admired for your beliefs regarding ProLife. It is indeed refreshing to see a young person with such valor, love, & enthusiasm in doing what is only right but also that many others others don’t believe or agree on.
???? Love you. Virg.
Hi Maddy. Keep up this most important work. You are a great example to the youth! I think my Cursillo sisters and I are going to our local PP to pray during the 40 days for life campaign.