If Baby Parts Don’t Change Your Mind, What Will?

… From the desk of Lara Ketter, AGM Staff Writer

My brain has been spinning in circles after watching the Planned Parenthood undercover videos of officials negotiating the sale of baby parts and abortion techs sorting arms, legs, livers, brains, eyeballs – all “products of conception” – in petri dishes while confirming what pro-lifers have been proclaiming for years: “It’s a baby.” No, duh. It’s not a fetus or a clump of cells. “It’s a boy … another boy. This was a twin.” God, help us!

My head is struggling to process the unbelievable reality of what’s happening in these so-called clinics, and dumbfounded that anyone who calls himself a human being would defend and perpetuate such barbaric actions.

I’ve read so many stories and blog posts on the subject that I’m numb. In the midst of megabytes of information, I’m struggling to come up with my own thoughts on the subject. What can I write that hasn’t already been written?

Before the recent Planned Parenthood story hit the media, showing the world what an abortion actually is, I forced myself to watch a video of a late-term abortion so I would better understand the business of legally killing babies. When the video concluded after the bloody and lifeless baby was dropped onto a metal table, the horror I felt was overwhelming. The gag reflex set in, and I was on the verge of throwing up.

If the everyday person who defends abortion would watch a video like this, she would change her mind, I thought. No human being can watch a baby killed in such a violent manner and still defend abortion! It’s not possible.


But I was wrong. As the undercover videos of Planned Parenthood workers picking through baby parts went viral on the internet, abortion advocates on news shows defended the organization’s actions as “humane,” and “something good coming out of highly personal and difficult situations” since these parts are sold to medical research companies.

I was astonished. I’m still astonished.

Abortion doctors and nurses are human beings, after all, but they must become desensitized as baby parts are labeled, priced and sold to the highest bidder. After years of medical school, and vowing to “do no harm,” how do abortion doctors justify killing for a living? I don’t get it.

The Planned Parenthood videos ARE making a big difference in the hearts and minds of many out there who thought abortion was a woman’s right and the poor baby was simply a nuisance to “get rid of.” This is a positive step in the pro-life movement, and I pray that hearts and minds continue to change and babies are saved.

But we live in strange times, and I wonder about a culture that views baby parts in petri dishes and sees nothing wrong with the picture. If this isn’t enough to melt your heart, what will it take to rid the world of one of the most insane ideas ever conceptualized … that a tiny baby can be killed while still inside its mother, by any and all means necessary?

I don’t get it. I just don’t get it. But we CAN do something to stop this genocide

If you’re in Southern CA, click below and help us fight the good fight.

Watch videos at: Center For Medical Progress

Nationwide Protest of PP_1

3 Comments On “If Baby Parts Don’t Change Your Mind, What Will?”

  1. I don’t believe this is something we’ll ever understand….because it’s not normal. There is nothing for our side ‘to get.’ Thank you for sharing your thoughts Lara. Keep fighting for LIFE and the unborn.

  2. Great post. This infanticide must be stopped. Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully MORE people will wake up.
    Keep fighting the good fight Lara & Team AGM. God bless your work.

  3. It amazes me, too, how some people can defend this. Clearly, they are being blinded by the devil. I am glad to hear that efforts are being made to defund PP.

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