Message From Sylvia

Hello Life Lovers! Team Director Sylvia here. First, thank you for everything YOU DO to save the babies and help us achieve our goals. AudioGirl Ministries is a TEAM EFFORT and all are blessed to have you with us.

Our efforts are being incredibly blessed.

1) First and foremost, as of Nov.1, 143 babies have been saved from being aborted at the Long Beach abortion mill.

2) We found a home for the second ultra sound machine; East LA Pregnancy Center. It will be delivered in 2013. Sylvia served as emcee at their gala fund-raiser held at USC. The keynote speaker was a lead actress from the film October Baby.

3) Money for the ultrasound was raised through generations donations, sale of hand-made doggie bandanas, and the sale of the CD The Living Stations of the Cross – “I Thirst” which has totaled over $25,000.00.

4) The Power of 7 – 7 Effective Replies to 7 Common Pro Abortion Arguments tutorial is proving to connect and help many become BOLD an ACTIVE VOICES for the UNBORN. Click HERE to start learning.

5) Gave four live presentations of The Power of 7 – three to ACCW regional meetings and one at our 40 Days for Life kick off event.

6) Had a booth at the SoCal District ACCW meeting.

7) Hosted and managed the Spring and Fall 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaigns.

8) Hosted the kick-off for the Fall 40 Days for Life campaign. A video of a powerful talk given by Rev. Jesse Petersn is available for viewing at our VIMEO and YouTube channels.

9)  The collection box in the St. Cornelius crying room for gently used baby items continues to supply moms-in-need the support they need to care for their newborn. Thank you for all of your donations!

10) For the fourth year, handed out pro life book-markers, specially made by the school children of St. Cornelius, at our Nov. Mass for Life.

11) Held our second  Pennies from Heaven fundraiser at St. Cornelius, St. Joseph, St. Bartholomew and St. Maria Goretti parishes.  Collected over $10,000.00 dollars.    Thank you for your generous hearts!

12) Presented Precious Life Shelter with a check for $4400.00 so they can continue their life saving work.

13) Continued to collect diapers and baby items for moms who chose life for their babies.

14) Teamed up with Helping Hands charityThey donate 5 Baby Moses Welcome Baskets to our ministry every month.  Those baskets are given to brand new moms who chose life for their babies. Visit MEDIA page to watch video. Click HERE.

15) Had our very first “Movie Night” featuring the film October Baby.  Along with the entry fee of diapers or a donation, a supporter and her grand-daughter donated 18 beautiful baby bags FILLED with baby necessities. Along with each bag was a hand-written card welcoming the baby to the world and a “thank you” to the mom/parents for choosing life. Another generous supporter wrote a check for $1,000.00.

16) Held three candlelight vigils outside the abortion mill in Long Beach.

17) Created a bigger presence on the web: this new and expanded website, facebook, YouTube channel, and Twitter accounts (links on Home page).

18) Continued our monthly Rosary and Mass for Life, the first Sunday of the month, with the Rosary at 4:30 and Mass at 5:00.

19)  Became an official 501c3 charity.

20)  New Christmas song – Swingin’ Santa!  … featuring the vocal stylings of me (yikes!) with all proceeds benefiting the ministry. Visit our MUSIC tab to listen. Click HERE.

21) Held a “Side-walk Counseling” workshop.  Watch video HERE.

22) Lori and Sylvia gave their radio interviews at KKLA promoting the ministry and Pro Life.

God bless all for your generous hearts and all who have helped promote awareness of life to save the babies. You are awesome.

His for life,

Sylvia, AGM Team Leader

Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.  

Philippians 1:3.