Need Help?

You are not alone.

Below is a list of many organizations who offer loving support and hands-on help. Not sure who to talk to? Contact us for assistance. God bless you for loving your child and choosing life.


In North West Arkansas:

Choices Pregnancy Servicesprovides compassionate support and mentoring to anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy

Loving ChoicesAre you wondering if you’re pregnant and not quite sure what to do first? They can help you.

In Southern CA:

Horizon Pregnancy Clinic – provides caring and personal support to those impacted by pregnancy. Offers pregnancy-related services, training programs and counseling to meet the needs of the mother, the father and the unborn child. 

The Precious Life Shelter – a residential supportive services program for homeless pregnant adult women.

Guadalupe Medical Center –  women’s medical center, pro-life OB/GYN, 3D/4D Ultrasounds, Pregnancy tests, Natural Family Planning.

Whittier Life Center – provides information, confidential counseling, compassionate care and educational resources.

Pregnancy Help Center – We’re committed to providing women and men with accurate and up-to-date information so they can make informed decisions about pregnancy

Project Cuddle – offers safe and legal alternatives to baby abandonment.  

Mary’s Path – nurtures, protects, and improves the lives of mother and child.

His Nesting Place welcomes women, ages 18 and over, who are pregnant and have nowhere to turn.

New Life Beginnings provides long term shelter in a safe, caring environment.

 Wherever You Are:

Real Alternatives – An excellent source of information and help for girls facing an unwanted pregnancy.

Heroic Media – aims to help women and babies in crisis across the nation. Help is available 24/7. 

Are you pregnant and need answers?  – TeenBreaks can help.