Day 5 – 40 Days for Life Lakewood

Lynda leads the 40 Days for Life Lakewood prayer campaign. She’ll be sharing stories over the course of the crusade.
Here’s her first….a reminder that abortion hurts men, too.
On Sunday, March 2, 2020, the Planned Parenthood in Lakewood was closed, but our prayer warriors were out there in force.
A man approached our group to thank us for being out there. He shared how when he was a teenager his girlfriend had an abortion and how he had felt powerless to stop it. Decades later he is still haunted by it, filled with regret, despair and remorse.
Our efforts to console him and assure him of God’s love and forgiveness were of no avail. Luckily Don, the only man in our group that morning, was able to reach out and connect with him. As Don led him away for a private talk, we said prayers for him, his former girlfriend and their child.
Praise God for putting Don where he needed to be that day!
I pray this man finds healing. It’s wonderful how God puts people in the right place at the right time. God bless you all for fighting the good fight.
And this is a result that we know of. In other words, we might never know how we are planting seeds, changing minds, providing solace for people. What if a woman changed her mind because she saw us praying? What if that baby grew up to be a great leader, or create a life saving cure, or become a holy person, or was the parent of someone that makes a great discovery, etc.? What if that man becomes a great voice for the unborn? God is calling us to step up for or sisters and brothers – young women and men, the unborn, and for all those in need; because life is precious and God wants what is best for us. He is calling us to Him.